The Institute speaks to government agencies and other organisations to offer advice, participate in relevant activities, and promote the interests of its professional members in the UK and abroad.
The Institute supports the Human Givens College, which offers the world's premier courses in human givens therapy, and before that, the former MindFields College (which was the original official source of HG training).
More than 5,000 organisations have sent their employees on HG College's uk-based seminars, workshops or diploma courses for career development purposes and many tens of thousands of individuals also attended their events – many of the most popular seminars are now available online, to enable more people worldwide to benefit from the training, at a time and place convenient to them – view all online courses here.
As well as offering the Human Givens Diploma and a variety of workshops and courses, the College also supplies speakers and trainers to a variety of organisations to share the organising ideas behind the human givens approach and discuss their wider implications, along with the most effective forms of psychological intereventions for a wide range of emotional distress and behavioural problems. (See: In-house training)
Through this website and the Human Givens journal and other activities, the HGI also provides information about the very latest psychological knowledge to the general public to raise awareness about what to look for in psychotherapy or counselling and how to assess the psychological health of other areas (like schools and workplaces).
HG Practitioners’ Professional Register
Once HG.Dip. graduates who have completed their Human Givens Diploma to Post Graduate Practitioner's Level (Part III), and have thereby demonstrated practical psychotherapeutic competence, have become HGI Registered Members (which ensures that their training, continuing professional development and professional conduct is monitored by the HGI), they are invited to be included on the HGI's register of approved Human Givens Practitioners and therefore receive referrals from the HGI and the College's office.
The Institute has a complaints procedure, and its Graduate, Registered and Fellow Members all sign up to its ethics and professional conduct procedures.
This website is full of useful information suitable for both the interested public and HG professionals. Constantly being added to, the articles are based on the latest scientific understandings on a wide range of issues — many contained new insights — and are presented without jargon in order that the information is as accessible to as many people as possible.
Peer group meetings
Meetings are arranged by members at various locations around the United Kingdom where graduates of the Human Givens Diploma can discuss their work, and any problems arising from it, share case histories and help one another in any way they can.
HG therapists wishing for one-to-one advisory sessions with more experienced therapists can arrange these through the Institute.
Bi-annual conference
A members' committee is set up to organise an annual HGI conference where members can hear various speakers and share information and experiences with one another. (See our latest news page for announcements of our conferences.)
Additional Events
From time to time, the Institute also organises other one-off special events, and members will be notified of these. In addition, the Institute is planning one-off HG.Dip. Graduate Training Days for Graduate, Registered and Fellow Members.
Professional Services
A major role of the Institute is to represent the interests and views of its professional members on topics relating to counselling by commenting on issues and published documents. In that regard, the Institute can arrange for speakers to address other organisations.
Any member requiring advice on any professional matter should contact the Institute in writing.
A wealth of books, videos, monographs and audio CDs and MP3s produced by the HGI's sister organisation HG Publishing.
The Institute also has its own journal, Human Givens: Promoting emotional health and clear thinking, which members receive twice a year. This was first published by the European Therapy Studies Institute (ETSI) in April 1993 and was previously entitled The New Therapist. But, to reflect its wider readership and growing interest in the human givens approach from other disciplines, its name was changed to Human Givens at the turn of the new millennium. The editorial director is Ivan Tyrrell.
The editor is Denise Winn and – to maintain editorial independence – the journal is funded purely by subscription and membership fees – it takes no advertising.
The journal's editorial advisory board is as follows:
- Dr Grahame Brown, Consultant in Muscular, Skeletal & Sports Medicine, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
- Professor Tony Charlton, Professor emeritus in behaviour studies, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham
- Professor Cary Cooper CBE, Professor of organisational psychology, University of Manchester
- Professor Helen Cowie, European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey.
- Dr Kevin Epps, Clinical and forensic psychologist.
- Joseph Griffin, Research psychologist, psychotherapist and Director of Studies, ETSI.
- Mike Hay, Area Manager (Disabilities) City and South Cambridgeshire.
- Dr Farouk Okhai, Retired consultant psychiatrist
- Dr Carole Sutton, Director of Research and Training in Parenting Education, De Montford University.
- Noreen Tehrani, Occupational, Health & Counselling Psychologist.
- Dr Aric Signman, Psychologist and Fellow of the Institute of Biology.
- Professor Peter Wade, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester.
- Dr Jeffrey Zeig, Director of Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona.
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The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
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2024 Conference
Our next in-person HGI Conference, is being held on the weekend of 20th and 21st April 2024