HG Newsletter - April 2017
In this issue:
- Launch of new Conciliators Guild
- HG Diploma in USA
- PTSD Resolution conference
- New online course website
- One last thought….
As the world becomes an ever more daunting and unstable place, the launch of an important new platform couldn't be more timely. ‘The Conciliators Guild’ aims to bring much-needed psychological insight, informed by the human givens approach, to the world of politics and conflict resolution – and it gives us all hope of a better world...
Human Givens expertise in the world’s
trouble spots
“This new paradigm [human givens] is the perfect antidote to many dilemmas facing diplomats today.
Much else has been tried and failed. It's time to meet people's needs before they fall into
the hands of extremists.”
Michael Bell, former Canadian Ambassador to Egypt, Israel and Jordan
Bringing clarity to societal upheaval through
the lens of innate human needs
For years people attending HG College events have asked us: “Why aren’t politicians working through the lens of innate human needs?”
Their concern is usually directed at mental health services, education and social services – but now fanaticism, war, refugees and terrorism are also high up on their agenda – they can see clearly how the organising ideas encompassed in the human givens approach could help.
And that’s where the new Conciliators Guild comes in.
The brainchild of diplomats who have worked extensively in the Middle East, this new international guild aims to redefine politics and improve conflict resolution by incorporating critical aspects of human nature that have so far largely been ignored. More psychological insight is needed if we’re to make a better impact than conventional efforts have managed so far.
> You are invited to a one-off event ...
One of its very first projects is a special one-day workshop: Fear and Political Chaos: How to bring clarity to societal upheaval through the lens of innate human needs which is being presented by John Bell and Ivan Tyrrell in London on Saturday June 10th.
Designed for anyone interested in the current Middle East situation – and how fanaticism is spreading from there and affecting all our lives – this unique day gives you the opportunity to delve more deeply into the implications of the human givens approach for civilization and world peace.
Diplomats, policy makers and international negotiators are especially invited to attend, as are members of NGOs, the police, legal professionals, educators, religious leaders, individuals and charities working with refugees.
If you know anyone who would be interested – particularly if they have political influence –– please share this information with them, they could benefit enormously from attending.
Places are limited, but there is an Early Bird booking offer for anyone booking before the end of April.
> Click here to find out more
“I can attest to the ‘Human Givens’ approach. Unless the ‘givens’ are listened to and respected, you cannot truly help others… this approach is universally applicable.”
James Larocco, former Head of Multinational Forces of Observers, Sinai,
and former American Ambassador to Kuwait
First USA HG Diploma course – dates set
Interest in the human givens approach has been growing for some time in both the USA and Canada and so it’s fantastic that, in conjunction with The Human Givens Center of North Carolina, we’re able to bring the full Human Givens Diploma course to the USA for the first time.
This follows on from the tremendous success of the workshops that Sue Saunders gave in North Carolina last year in conjunction with the LPCANC – you can read some of the feedback from therapists who attended here.
Students are taking the 7 online courses that count towards Part 1 (Level 1) of the Diploma, and then attending the remaining Part 1 training days in person during two separate weeks this Autumn (5th–9th September and 2nd–6th October 2017) when Sue and Denise Winn will be travelling to North Carolina to teach the remaining seminars and workshops in person.
If you’re interested in attending the training, please do get in contact with the Human Givens Center of North Carolina.
PTSD Resolution Conference
PTSD Resolution, the charity which funds human givens therapy for military personnel and veterans, is holding its biennual conference on Saturday 8th April, in London.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘The military mind: the same but different’ and its purpose is to explore and improve the approach of therapists working with Armed Forces Veterans, Reservists and family members, by adapting their general therapeutic skills to the context of the military experience.
All HGI Registered human givens therapists are invited to attend, as are other interested parties.
For more details of the full programme and how to book, click here.
New Online Courses Website
People often say "if it ain't broke don't fix it" – but in the case of the Human Givens Online Courses website, HG College wanted to upgrade the site to ensure as many people as possible could benefit from the invaluable information the courses give you about the most effective ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems.
What's different?
- The new site is fully responsive – which means it's even easier to view on your phone or tablet – and loads more quickly. You can also download a course certificate as soon as you've finished a course. It's also easier to navigate through course sections to watch film clips again – and there's a review courses facility.
- You can download a course certificate as soon as you've finished a course
- It's easier to navigate through course sections to watch film clips again – and you can instantly tell the college what you think with the review courses facility
- The College are also developing some new online courses and making available some of their popular webinar series to view on-demand
- You'll also find a new Offers page – which shows any special offers that might be running
The College are currently developing some new online courses and making available some of their popular webinar series to view on-demand. You'll also find a new Offers page – which shows any special offers that might be running.
Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues… we'd like more people to benefit from the information these courses contain.
One last thought...
“Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We hope you've enjoyed this edition of the Human Givens e-newsletter – if you have any news you think our readers would like to hear about, do get in touch. We love to hear from you.
With best wishes,
Jane Tyrrell, Editor
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Our next in-person HGI Conference, is being held on the weekend of 20th and 21st April 2024