HG Newsletter - January 2018
In this issue:
- 2018 HG Conference – early bird booking open
- Peace broker organisation sees huge potential of HG approach
- The business end of being an HG therapist
- HG influence at governmental level
- Give your New Year's resolutions a positive spin
We hope you enjoyed a lovely festive holiday and take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and fruitful year ahead – 2018 sees several exciting new HG courses on offer, with a welcome return to Edinburgh and a wider range of courses in Dublin, to complement our London and Bristol teaching schedules.
Due to high demand, we have also organised a third Diploma Part Two 2018 course and I’d advise anyone planning to complete Part Two to discuss this as soon as possible with our College Registrar, Mark Thomas, on 01323 811690 or via email.
Our ever-popular biennial Human Givens Institute's Conference is on the horizon once again, with a very pertinent theme of ‘Living with Uncertainty’. Book before February 14th to take advantage of our Early Bird Offer to save £25 and ensure your place on this invaluable two days of talks, discussions and a chance to gather with your HG cohort.
With HG teaching and work extending across the world and into an ever widening range of disciplines, 2018 promises to be an exciting year...
Eye-opening Potential
Human Givens insights and skills were enthusiastically received by the Peace Broker organisation, Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), when presented to them in Helsinki by Ivan Tyrrell and John Bell.
Key figures from CMI attended Fear and Political Chaos in London last summer and were inspired to ask for an expanded exposition of our ideas which their colleagues from teams around the world could attend back in Finland.
Called ‘Helping mediators, policymakers and diplomats become more effective through the lens of innate human needs’, the two-day workshop, which was held in a beautiful setting by the Baltic Sea, was described by one diplomat as, “eye-opening, with great potential for application on future activities”.
CMI works closely with all conflicting parties in some of the world’s most intractable conflicts to forge lasting peace through informal dialogue and mediation. Founded in 2000 by Nobel Peace laureate and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari, it is now one of the leading organisations in the field with a staff of around 70 and ongoing commitments in the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and Eurasia.
The business end of being a therapist
From registered HG practitioner to setting up your own thriving therapy practice may feel like a huge leap, but fear not: in her new one day course How to build a successful private practice Jennifer Broadley employs her extensive freelance experience to guide us through every detail of running and promoting a business.
Prior to qualifying as an HG practitioner, Jennifer was an executive and corporate coach, subsequent to a successful publishing and media industry career. In recent years she has founded and developed a successful full-time HG practice in Scotland.
Jennifer delivers her wealth of information and advice with vim and vigour, and an infectious can-do attitude that is not to be missed. Her course is running on 1st February in Edinburgh, and on 28th March and 18th October in London.
Getting to grips with major social problems
Ivan Tyrrell has been asked to join the Expert Advisory Group for the UK government’s Integrated Employment Support Programme and give input to it from the human givens perspective.
He has already suggested that the Just What We Need programme be looked at by the group and has also put it in touch with Ezra Hewing at Suffolk Mind, which integrates the HG approach into everything it does.
Give your 2018 resolutions a positive spin
How’s your New Year resolve bearing up? What went through your mind as the bells rang in 2018 or perhaps when your head was pounding the next day? Was it by any chance a pledge to give something up? Cigarettes, chocolate or alcohol? Retail therapy? Gambling? Chewing your nails? Being short-tempered in the office? Addiction has many faces, but the underlying process is the same.
Perhaps, conversely, it was a pledge to begin something, like starting your own business, or to gain something, like physical health, or financial stability. Whatever it was, a few weeks down the line, how is it going for you? I’ll hazard a guess that those who chose a ‘give up’ type of resolution will be struggling more than those who chose to begin something, and there’s a very good reason for that...
One last thought...
"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes,
because then you are making new things,
trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself,
changing yourself, changing your world.
You're doing things you've never done before.
"Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough,
or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it."
Neil Gaiman
We hope you've enjoyed this latest edition of HG News – do get in contact if you have any news or an interesting case study you think our readers would like to hear about
With best wishes,
Julia Welstead, Editor
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