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'Ask The Expert' Podcast - Season 2

Welcome to the new season of the human givens ‘Ask The Expert’ podcast series. Our new podcasts give you the opportunity to hear human givens professionals talking about mental health and emotional wellbeing from the point of view of their particular area of expertise.

Each podcast will discuss a different important mental health topic, both ones we feel should be openly discussed, and those in which our listeners have expressed an interest, in an effort to share and promote more widely effective tips and knowledge about emotional health and wellbeing. 

To view podcasts from Season 1, click here


Newest Episode: 'Exploring sleeping and dreaming'
with Joe Griffin


Human Givens · Ask The Expert Season 2 – a Human Givens podcast series

Our latest expert is Joe Griffin as a guest on our podcast - in which he will be answering our audiences' pre-submitted questions about sleep and dreaming. 

Joe Griffin is a psychologist, with many years’ experience both in psychotherapeutic practice and in training psychotherapists (for the Human Givens College). Over the last two decades, as co-developer of the human givens approach to psychology and behaviour, thousands of health professionals have enjoyed his practical workshops and seminars on brief therapy for treating anxiety related disorders, depression, trauma and addiction. Since it is widely recognised that much mental distress comes from work related stress he is increasingly in demand by businesses to help them run more effectively by taking account of the innate needs of customers, employees, suppliers, owners and shareholders.

For many years the Educational Director of the College, he is at the leading edge of skills-based therapy research and practice. He is widely recognised as one of the most informed and entertaining speakers on human behaviour and is also co-author, with Ivan Tyrrell, of numerous books and publications. including Why we dream: The definitive answer, and other books on treating anxiety and depression.

Ask a question

Before each podcast we ask you, our audience to submit any questions you might have that relate to the podcast topic. If you would like to submit a question for one of the upcoming topics above, please email it to [email protected]

Also if you would like to get involved or have any suggestions, please contact us.

Our Podcasts are also available on:

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify

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