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Professional Standards Authority Accredited Register The Human Givens Institute's Professional Register of human givens therapists and counsellors has been accredited in the UK* by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA).

This mark of quality assures the general public, service commissioners and employers that human givens practitioners belong to a register vetted and approved by an independent statutory body.

The Professional Standards Authority is an independent statutory body established to protect the public through its work with organisations that register and regulate people working in health and social care. Accountable to the UK Parliament, its reports help Parliament monitor and improve the protection of the public.

Accreditation with the PSA was achieved by the Institute following a rigorous process of evidence provision and demonstration of high standards in all of the measured areas.

The Human Givens Institute successfully met the PSA's high standards in: governance, education and training, managing the register, setting standards, providing information and complaints handling. (The responsibility of assessing the merits of individuals on the register remains the responsibility of the HGI.)

Accreditation also offers practitioners working in counselling and psychotherapy a means, by joining the HGI, of demonstrating their personal commitment to meeting high standards.


“The PSA quality mark gives extra peace of mind to people seeking a counsellor, letting them know that Human Givens practitioners are committed to high standards of registration too. Human Givens practitioners who meet the far reaching standards of our register, as approved by the PSA, will display this quality mark as a sign of and pledge to continued high standards of practice.”  Sue Saunders, Chair of RPSC on behalf of the HGI



It’s now vital that counsellors and therapists belong to an Accredited Register recognised by the Professional Standards Authority - which also oversees the General Medical Council, Nursing & Midwifery Council, and others. 

The NHS has recently updated their employment information, and now seeks counsellors who are on an Accredited Register, such as ours.

The NHS states under 'Finding a qualified therapist' that "reputable therapists will be registered with a professional organisation that's been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) – this means they have met the PSA's required professional standards to practice". On their page about professional accreditation, NHS Employers NHS Employers talk about the importance and benefits of belonging to an Accredited Register, view here.

Health Education England, on the NHS Health Careers website, also highlights the importance of PSA Accredited Registers under 'Entry Requirements and Training'.

* Excludes the Channel Islands.