HG Newsletter - September 2019
In this issue:
- Psychology Today partnership
- 2020 vision for the HGI Conference
- All change at the HGI desk
- Thrive Global
- JWWN training
- Vital conversations
Tomorrow I am helping to host a welcome evening for a group of Icelanders for whom there is an ancestral connection to the Gaelic community of West Scotland . This has got me thinking about how vital cross-cultural communication is to combat the increasing global “them and us” mentality. Never has there been a more important time to spread the knowledge that all of us, wherever we are from, share the same human givens: the same needs and resources.
Read on for new ways to advertise your HG practice, upcoming training opportunities, fresh podcasts and much more besides.
Psychology Today partnership
We are delighted to announce that Human Givens College have partnered with Psychology Today who now list human givens under their ‘therapy types’ on their UK and American websites.
6 months FREE listing for HG therapists
All fully qualified HG Therapists can take advantage of their kind offer of a six month FREE listing on their psychotherapy directory. Psychology Today accept membership requests from UK and US MHGI practitioners – click here.
New HG expert blog post
Do also keep an eye out for HG therapist and Journal editor Denise Winn’s new expert blog page, Helping Humanity Thrive, on their website too – each month she will be posting an HG related article.
2020 vision for the HGI Conference
Our biennial conferences are always a fun way to stay up-to-date and network with like-minded professionals.
The next one will be on the weekend of 16th–17th May 2020 at Woodland Grange in Leamington Spa, a convenient central UK location, only 17 miles from Birmingham International airport and easily accessibly from both road and rail networks.
HG Journal editor and tutor Denise Winn is currently putting together a dynamic, practical two day event with lots of inspiring content relevant to professional practice – we'll let you know more as soon as the details are finalised.
But in the meantime, save the date!
All change at the HGI desk
After 16 years as HGI membership secretary, Silvana Limpus recently left us in order to focus her energies on her grandchildren and own family businesses. We heartily thank her for her quiet and calm determination in keeping us all organised, registered and paid up over the years!
Amber Ball takes the secretarial reins and will be in the office every morning from 9.00am–1.00pm, Monday to Friday, a part time arrangement that enables members to contact her any day of the week, whilst enabling Amber to study for an OU degree during her afternoons. We welcome Amber, and wish her all the very best in both her endeavours.
You can contact Amber for any HGI membership related questions on 01323 811690 or via email to: [email protected]
Thrive Global
Are you looking to increase awareness of your therapeutic skills and/or private practice? Did you know, you can upload blog posts to community platform Thrive Global for free?
Founder and CEO Arianna Huffington explains,
“I launched Thrive Global to go beyond raising awareness and create something real and tangible that would help individuals, companies and communities improve their well-being and performance and unlock their greatest potential.”
HG therapist Pat Capel has recently started uploading his blog posts to the Thrive Global platform, based on posts he originally created for his own website.
Please note – we recommend you change at least 20% of the copy as Google doesn’t approve of duplicated content, even if it’s originally your own. Remember to add links to your own website and your HGI therapist profile – and if you mention human givens, please link to our HG website too.
'JWWN' training
Just What We Need is a highly successful therapeutic programme based on human givens principles which c an be tailored to suit a variety of attendees: individuals, parents, therapists, trainers and community groups (read more).
Founder-directors Carmen Kane and Linda Hogan have just announced that they will be running another JWWN practitioner course on 11th–14th November, in Milton Keynes.This practitioner training demonstrates how to put complex psycho-educational principles and concepts across in a clear, concrete and accessible way to different audiences. HG practitioners who attend can subsequently go on to deliver the JWWN Programne themselves (a training manual is included in the package).
As their website is currently undergoing an upgrade, please contact Carmen and Linda directly for further details. Carmen Kane can be reached on 07812 030869 and [email protected]. Linda Hogan can be reached on 07870 288321 and [email protected].
Vital conversations
Our HG podcast series continues with new additions to the list this month including “See you in two minutes ma” a brave and heart-rending account by Linda Allen of how she lived through the aftermath of her teenage son’s suicide. Linda now talks to groups across Ireland and her book, of the same title, is available through all good book outlets.
Can we trust CBT research findings?
We also have an eye-opening conversation about political deception and the CBT tsunami between HG co-founder and director Ivan Tyrrell and psychotherapist and author Farhad Dalal, subsequent to publication of the latter’s book, CBT: the Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami.
To date we have uploaded 14 podcasts in our 2019 “ask the expert” series, and there are a few more to go before the year ends. Have a listen to any or all of them, and do please share them with anyone you think will find them interesting and useful.
One last thought
“All too often, what matters is not whether an idea is true or effective, but whether it fits with the preconceptions of a dominant cabal."
Rory Sutherland
We hope you've enjoyed this update – do get in contact if you have any news or interesting case studies.
With best wishes,
Julia Welstead, Editor
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SCoPEd - latest update
The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024
2024 Conference
Our next in-person HGI Conference, is being held on the weekend of 20th and 21st April 2024