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HG newsletter - August 2022

In this issue:

Serotonin and depression – what's going on?

Image from Human Givens - Ask the Expert Podcast Series - with Ezra Hewing

You may have read recent articles about the chemical imbalance myth of depression – which is something we've been talking about at HG for many years – and the recent meta-analysis findings that there is no causal link between serotonin levels and depression.

Ezra Hewing, Head of Mental Health at Suffolk Mind – which uses the human givens approach – has done some myth-busting of his own in a useful short video, which is well worth watching as it clarifies the effects dreaming (REM Sleep), serotonin and antidepressants can each have on our mood, sleep and symptoms of depression. (More insights from Ezra)

We also recommend watching this informative interview with Dr Joanna Moncrieff, the principal investigator in the meta-analysis study which caused all the publicity – you can view it here

All change at York Human Givens

Photo os Gail Rhodes and Jenny Waddington from the York Human Givens Wellbeing Centre

The highly successful York Human Givens Wellbeing Centre, was set up by Gail Rhodes (pictured left) and her colleague Jenny Waddington (right) in September 2010. The York Centre quickly became a thriving practice and there is currently a team of nine HG therapists working there.

Gail, who has worked for many years as a psychotherapist, served as a member of the HGI Board of Directors and been a tutor for the HG College, teaching Part 2 of the Diploma Course and the Supervisors’ course, has stepped back this month from her HG career to focus on new projects, her family and travelling.

She has not only transformed the lives of hundreds of clients as a brilliant therapist, but she has also inspired both new HG trainees and her many supervisees with her wisdom, huge experience, infectious enthusiasm and sense of fun. She will be sorely missed at the York HG Centre by the team and her clients, as well as by the whole HG community. Gail has made a significant contribution to Human Givens and we’re sure that everyone who knows her will be wishing her well. Thank you Gail for all you have done.

Gail and Jenny are leaving the York HG Wellbeing Centre in safe hands (Jenny is also stepping back from running the Centre, but continuing with her HG private practice and supervision). Their colleague Claire Morris and her business partner Janette Yates will be taking over the reins and we have no doubt the Centre will continue to thrive under their care.

Jenny is however continuing with both her therapy practice and supervision at the centre.

Supporting people through fertility treatment

Image of Supporting people through fertility treatment podcast with Sarah DenningHG therapist Sarah Denning, who has over 20 years practice as a midwife, birth trauma therapist and IVF Counsellor, is passionate about giving effective help to women and men experiencing anxiety and grief from infertility, pregnancy loss and birth-related trauma.

Fertility problems can be incredibly distressing, it is often a shock, completely changing people’s perception of themselves and their imagined future as parents, and patients can struggle with their emotions, experience a sense of loss, as well as intense anxiety about treatment.  So we were delighted when Sarah shared her unique insight and knowledge with us.

Listen to the podcast > 

Image of two men at a training event

NEW HG training launching this autumn

HG College tutors and its team have spent the last few months working hard on developing a range of NEW in-person workshops and live online training on much-needed topics – the following courses are launching this autumn, and more will follow in 2023.

The Mind-Body Connection In-depth:

Specialised Couples Therapy training:


Plus - Online and phone therapy training

Image of NEW Online and phone therapy training from the Human Givens College

Essential guidance for safe and effective remote working -  join Ros Townsend and Jo Baker for this jam-packed, informative session on Thursday 29th September via Zoom.  This new course is designed for both trainee and fully-qualified therapists, psychotherapists and counsellors – it is recommended to all HG practitioners by the Human Givens Institute and is now mandatory for HG Trainees who would like to carry out therapeutic work online.

Book soon to secure your place >


FREE ebook - HG the essentials 

– download your new updated version 

Image of the updated FREE Human Givens - The Essentials E-Book

Our popular FREE guide to the human givens approach – which explains why the approach was first developed, why it’s needed and how people from different professions are using its insights and the HG framework for mental health and wellbeing to help others – has recently been updated.

To get instant access to your FREE copy of this ebook by Julia Welstead, simply fill in your details here



Food for thought

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom...”

Victor Frankl

Jane Tyrrell - Editor

We hope you've enjoyed this latest news round-up. Do get in contact if you have any interesting news, advice or case studies you think other readers might like to know about – we love hearing from you!

Jane Tyrrell
Editor, Human Givens News

Latest News:

SCoPEd - latest update

The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.

Date posted: 14/02/2024