Re-admittance of Members Subject to Serious Disciplinary Outcomes
Where a member of the HGI has been removed from the register following the adjudication of a complaint they may not reapply for membership until two full years have elapsed since the date of the removal. If such a registrant wishes to reapply the following process will be followed:
The former registrant must apply in writing and must: explain in their application the steps that they have taken to address the issues in their practice that led to the complaint; outline any therapeutic work they have undertaken under any other modality since removal; give details of their ongoing professional development and supervision; and give details of any professional body to which they currently belong.
The former registrant must provide two referees who are able to give evidence of their recent and current practice as a therapist and of their further study and professional development. One of these referees should be the applicant’s current supervisor, if applicable.
The application and references will be reviewed by a panel convened by one of the Co-Chairs of the Human Givens Registration and Professional Standards Committee and will consist of a member of the RPSC, a current Human Givens supervisor and a member of staff from the Human Givens College.
The panel must determine whether or not the applicant is now fit to practise as a human givens therapist, remains skilled in the human givens approach, presents no risk to the public and has undertaken continuing professional development and has had supervision in whatever modality that they have been working in. The panel must also make certain that the applicant meets all the criteria and requirements that apply to all prospective registrants.
The panel will decide either to reject the application or to arrange an interview with the applicant. Where the application is rejected at this stage, the panel will, within 20 working days of meeting, provide a written explanation of its decision to the applicant.
If the panel decides to move to interviewing the applicant, this will be arranged either online or in person. The panel may request further information and evidence before the meeting. Applicants invited to interview are not permitted to bring anyone with them.
Once the interview is concluded, the panel will write to the applicant with their decision and an explanation of it within 20 working days.
The panel’s decision is final and there is no system of appeal.
As well as applying to any registrant who has been removed from the register following the adjudication of a complaint, this process will also apply where a registrant has resigned from the HGI during an adjudication process, the likely outcome of which would have been removal from the HGI register.1
The Complaints Process is to be updated to make clear that an adjudication process must proceed to final adjudication even if the registrant resigns from the HGI earlier in the process. The sanction of removal from the register will be recorded when appropriate even when the registrant has already resigned.
If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact the Institute on: Tel: +44 (0)1323 811662 or via email at: [email protected]
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