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Report of Wrongdoing

If you are concerned that there has been an incident of Wrongdoing (as detailed in our Reporting of Wrongdoing Policy) and would like to raise this with us, please complete the form below. 

Please note: you can submit a report anonymously by not including your name or contact details – however, we would encourage you to complete them, if you feel able to, as this will help us to follow up on your concerns. You can supply the following information to us in writing, if you prefer. (Please send your report to the HGI Membership Secretary, Human Givens Institute, Chalvington, East Sussex, BN27 3TD, UK, marking the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’.)

We will acknowledge receipt of your Report of Wrongdoing within seven working days.

1 Start 2 Complete

Details of the person/s involved

(if known)

Details of the incident you are concerned about

Contact details of any witnesses to the incident

(Please provide these only if they have given their permission.)

Further Information

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx.
If you are including any documents with this form, please list them here. (If you are e-mailing this form, any documents should be attached with your completed form. Otherwise, paper copies can be posted to the address provided at the top of this form.)

Your details

This form can be submitted anonymously, but if you wish to suppy your details please complete the fields below.

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Date posted: 14/02/2024