Organisational Structure
"The Institute is a 'learned society' and is an association, the primary purpose of which is the advancement of Human Givens thinking, and the fostering of professional expertise in this field. The association restricts its membership mainly to individuals whose present or previous professions or employments are directly connected with the purposes of the association" as stated in the HGI's Memorandum of Association (item 3), lodged at Companies House.
The HGI is run as a private limited company with the publicly stated aim that any profits which might accrue will be used solely to further its educational and professional activities and to spread knowledge of the beneficial implications of the human givens approach as widely as possible.
Active members of the Institute help to ensure that it suitably reflects their ongoing professional needs by putting suggestions and recommendations to the HGI Board (the directors of the Human Givens Institute). All members can attend the HGI's annual general meeting.
The Institute also has a range of specialist committees which are made up of HGI members and where appropriate lay members who have specialist knowledge or expertise relevant to that specific area. The committees meet as and when required to deal with any appropriate matters which may arise.
These committees are:
- Registration and Professional Standards Committee (RPSC)
- External Oversight Committee for Human Givens Therapy (EOC)
- Finance and Audit Committee
- Communications and Marketing Committee
Members are also free to approach the Board with suggestions for setting up specialist Sections or additional committees if they feel it appropriate.
For more information, also see the HGI's Organisational Chart and Declaration of Interests Register
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2024 Conference
Our next in-person HGI Conference, is being held on the weekend of 20th and 21st April 2024