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HG Newsletter - August 2020

In this issue:

The idiom ‘sea change’ denotes a substantial change in perspective on a particular issue, especially one which affects a group or society at large, and there cannot be many more obvious examples than our 2020 question of how and where we work through and beyond the current pandemic, when strange and difficult circumstances must be faced and overcome. With adversity often comes opportunity, of course. And at the moment many of us are looking at the pros and cons of continuing to work from home, or at whether it’s time for a complete change of direction, perhaps to more fulfilling and meaningful work.

If our HG courses are anything to go by, a rapidly increasing number of people are using this opportunity of dramatic change to re-train and embark on a new career, which they can run from their own home and at their own pace.


Music to my ears

Photo of Kat Marlow

Working as a therapist is rarely a first career and is often the result of a mid-life change of track. In this month’s article, Kat Marlow relates her particular path through the diverse careers of orchestral musician and process engineer, as well as her own mental health challenges, to her current role as HG practitioner and DWP trainer.

She also shares with us how she's been affected by the Covid-19 crisis and what’s she’s done to adapted her HG private practice, and reflects:

“What's been clear throughout this experience is that the Human Givens approach provides a fast and effective way of helping people get back to being their best, and is flexible enough to tolerate some of the challenges that a pandemic presents. Having to adapt to remote working offers the opportunity to work with a much more geographically diverse group of clients than I could ever reach in person. I feel confident that I can still deliver effective Human Givens therapy that provides my clients with the right support to help them better get their needs met during these challenging times.”

[read Kat`s full story]


The paradox of psychosis – a new hypothesis

Human Givens Journal Image

Amidst its usual wealth of fascinating articles, research findings, news, reviews and comment, the latest issue of the HG Journal features an important, groundbreaking and thought-provoking article by HG practitioner and head of mental health education at Suffolk Mind, Ezra Hewing.

Taking forward Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell’s theory that the hallucinations and delusions experienced in psychosis are reality processed through the REM state, Ezra proposes a new hypothesis that explains the varied symptoms of schizophrenia – both ‘negative’ (lethargy, lack of motivation, meaning in life etc) and ‘positive’ (delusions, hallucinations etc) – and why HG therapeutic techniques can be so effective with this condition.

To read his compelling explanation for the conflicting symptoms of psychotic illness, subscribe to the biannual HG Journal to receive this and future issues. You can also order back copies of the journal, which are currently available at 50% off.


New Chair for HGI

Photo of Sue Gray

We’re pleased to announce the appointment of a new Chair for the HGI.

Sue Gray, who takes over from Dr Declan Lyons, is an accomplished Senior Health & Social Care Director and Clinician (Physiotherapy and Mental Health/Psychotherapy) with board level leadership, strategy, business, service development and turnaround experience, who has overseen the governance and performance of various organisations and team/people developments

Sue has extensive health and social care services operational knowledge gained across children, young people and adult services in the Voluntary Sector, NHS (primary and secondary care) and Community Services, and is a champion of peer support models for mental wellbeing that empower people to transform their lives.

She is also Founder Director of a community interest company promoting mental wellbeing in Suffolk, a Trustee for two Charities, has a small HG practice and works as an independent Organisational Consultant. She also enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, four of whom are home schooled.

Sue has been involved with the Human Givens organising idea for nearly 10 years as part her work at Suffolk Mind where she is still a part-time trainer of their Human Givens based workplace wellbeing products.

Sue says: "I'm excited to become more involved in Human Givens as the organising idea is the way I see life now!  I wish to play my part in ensuring the ideas and training continue to get out into the world to the benefit of others. And for this to happen in a safe, effective and sustainable way, whilst keeping up to date with current experience and evidence."


Real live training returns

Photo of two people talking

We are delighted to report that we are now back to using our UK training venues (in Bristol, Leamington Spa and London). These have put excellent Covid-19 safety measures in place, with which we feel entirely confident, and our courses are once again being very well attended and enjoyed.

Please take a look at our short videos which describe the set up at Engineers' House in Bristol. All three of our UK venues are run by the same company, with the same detailed attention to safety measures.

Our attended courses are up and running again, and places are filling fast for HG Diploma training Parts 1, 2 and 3 – as well as our popular 'Fast Track' weeks – as everyone endeavours to catch up on their CPD.  To avoid disappointment, we recommend booking your place/s as soon as you can.


Good Uplift

“It made me feel much better” – “Such a useful informative app, very easy to navigate”
“I haven’t found anything online as helpful and user-friendly as this...”


Image of Uplift AppUpLift™, the HG depression web-based App that we launched earlier this year, has been well received and is already proving invaluable to many people, both professionally and personally.

Do have a look – it’s free and easy to access on your computer or phone – and share the link with anyone who might benefit from the information therein.



Two last thoughts

“...turn and face the strange...” ¹

“...a sea-change, into something rich and strange...” ²

¹ from Changes, by David Bowie
² from The Tempest, by William Shakespeare

Julia Welstead - EditorWe hope you've enjoyed this update – do get in contact if you have any news or interesting case studies.

With best wishes,

Julia Welstead, Editor
Human Givens News


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