The External Oversight Committee for Human Givens Therapy (EOC)
The Committee's purpose
The Committee's purpose is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Human Givens Institute (HGI) and hold it to account. This is to ensure external oversight of HGI processes, whilst ensuring, as far as is practicable, public safety. In particular, the EOC will oversee the RPSC complaints processes and act as an Appeal Authority in the circumstances as detailed below.
Members of the External Oversight Committee for Human Givens Therapy:
- Bernie Hughes
- Monique Nauta
- Greg Holdsworth
Main activities of the Committee
The committee will:
- adjudicate appeals by members of the HGI whose application to join the HGI Professional Register has been turned down by the HGI Registration Panel in accordance with its published procedures;
- keep under review the overall pattern and any trends in complaints against individual therapists brought to its attention by the HGI Board (in association with the RPSC) and where appropriate, advise on corrective action; and
- report to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) any unreasonable refusal by the HGI to implement any of the EOC's recommendations.
Complaints against the Human Givens Institute
If you wish to make a complaint about the Human Givens Institute itself (as opposed to an individual human givens therapist or regarding your membership registration, for which see below), please read the following document EOC Complaints Procedure and complete the EOC Complaints Form.
Refusal of registration or re-registration:
If you wish to appeal against a decision made by the HGI's Registration Panel, please complete the EOC Appeal Form re Registration. The process will follow the EOC Complaints Process.
Please note:
The HGI takes the safe-guarding of the public and the matter of complaints very seriously. If you have a complaint against an individual human givens therapist, this will be dealt with by the HGI's Registration and Professional Standards Committee (RPSC) – please follow the HGI complaints procedure.
Author: EOC First published 2015. Last updated: 10.06.24
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