HG Newsletter - June 2018
In this issue:
- Human givens research update
- The trouble with "the meds"
- Case study: My Antidepressant Experience
- HG Journal
- Join our social media community
Many of you attended our recent HGI Conference weekend focussing on ‘living with uncertainty’, which was packed with a wide range of moving and informative talks from brilliant speakers who stimulated lively discussions and left us energised and encouraged at the extent to which HG insights are penetrating deeper into society.
Everyone welcomed our first patron, Sue Cook, and we hope that members will introduce other well-placed individuals to become patrons.
One key talk, given by Dr Shona Adams, presented new research results on the efficacy of the rewind technique, incorporating data collected and contributed by seventy HG therapists via the Pragmatic Tracker database. Such data collection is absolutely vital to our ongoing research, and hearty thanks must go to all contributors, as well as to Shona and her research team.
Human Givens research update
At the Conference, Dr Shona Adams, clinical psychologist and HG practitioner, presented a summary of her research 'Human Givens Rewind Treatment for PTSD and Sub-threshold Trauma' (undertaken with colleague Dr Steven Allan, clinical psychologist, University of Leicester) on the effectiveness and acceptability of a single rewind session, plus the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis based on 13 studies.
Shona's talk gave us invaluable information about the uncertainty of carrying out research and the evidence-based claims that can be made from it. You can view an Abstract and her research findings here – and if you're a Professional Member of the HGI you can log in and watch her talk in the Members' Area of the HGI website.
The trouble with "the meds"
Marion Brown is a Human Givens practitioner who has been working to understand and help people to recover from unexpected, and often unrecognized, effects (side effects, tolerance and withdrawal) of commonly prescribed antidepressants and anxiety medications.
She is leading a public petition at the Scottish Parliament for recognition of the issues. This petition is gathering an astonishing collection of evidence which is revealing a deeply troubling picture of what is happening to far too many people.
This patient evidence is summarized broadly in an extremely useful InfoGraphic and also in this BMJ (British Medical Journal) rapid response article.
Leading psychiatrist and author Dr David Healy, joined Marion Brown, and a group of patient ‘experts by experience’ to contribute to a Spotlight programme on Talk Radio Europe, where the history of, and problems with, these medications was discussed, as well as the action being taken. A follow-up programme is planned for later in June.
Case Study: My antidepressant experience
"My name is James and I live in the UK with my wife and daughter. I have been taking an antidepressant for six years and, for the last 12 months, I have been attempting to slowly withdraw.
"It is the single most gruelling, most challenging experience of my life and one I was in no way prepared for by my prescriber..." Read more >
Human Givens Journal
While there are other journals that cover psychology and therapy, it is only in our own journal Human Givens that practitioners can get an invaluable HG perspective on working with different client groups or using HG in different settings, such as teaching, parenting, management, etc. Readers tell us they are much inspired by the first-person accounts of working creatively to get the best from people using HG understandings.
Each issue also features an in-depth interview with innovative and authoritative thinkers in a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, politics and history.
The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, and is essential reading for human givens practitioners who want to keep up to date with HG thinking. A subscription costs £30 – please note the price reflects the fact that the journal does NOT take advertising – or you can receive the journal FREE by joining the Human Givens Institute as a professional or associate member.
Highlights of the NEW June issue include articles on how HG ideas are being spread through an entire county; top tips for practising ethically; successful work with patients 'stuck' in obesity; how surfing has helped veterans with life-changing injuries and PTSD; fostering, from an HG perspective; bringing HG understandings into diplomacy; and recovering more quickly from major physical trauma.
Anyone who attended the HG conference will remember the highly moving account given by former clinical commissioner Bernie Rochford, who became a whistle blower after serious concerns about patient safety – her horrifying story, and how it took every ounce of her strength to develop and maintain resilience, is powerfully retold in this issue.
Support the HG Journal – subscribe today!
Join our social media community
We would love to share information about your HG journey, success stories, articles, videos, business profiles and news on our social media pages. If you would like to share and promote yourself or your business, please send the information to [email protected]. Or mention us on social media and we will share the information on our profile.
If you use social media, please like/follow the following pages:
Facebook: @humangivens
Twitter: @humangivens
Instagram: @humangivens1
Pinterest: www.pinterest.co.uk/humangivens/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/humangivens
Your success is important to us…
One last thought...
"...when something speaks to your heart, you have to do it, and really put your effort into it… and walk your own uncommon path."
Gyalwang Drukpa
We hope you've enjoyed this latest edition of HG News – do get in contact if you have any news or an interesting case study you think our readers would like to hear about
With best wishes,
Julia Welstead, Editor
Human Givens News
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Our next in-person HGI Conference, is being held on the weekend of 20th and 21st April 2024