Supporting Ukrainian refugees, women living in crisis and uncertainty
with Keri Hartwright
"...Quite often, we get meaning and purpose not only from having children but also from the careers we choose, and if that`s taken away from us, it`s really difficult to manage..."
This episode contains content that some listeners may find upsetting. Please check the podcast description for more details...
'She arrived in this country with one bag and two children...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused the worst refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War. More than eight million refugees from Ukraine fled for protection in Europe. As the Ukrainian government is currently not permitting men aged 18-60 to leave the country, most refugees are women and young children, which is why Keri Hartwright, in collaboration with The Big Red Bus Club charity, has created a project to support Ukrainian women's mental health and well-being - all of which is underpinned by the human givens approach:
This podcast emphasises the importance of this statement - when too many innate physical and emotional needs are not being met in the environment, or when our resources are used incorrectly, unwittingly or otherwise, we suffer considerable distress.
Our 9 essential emotional needs are:
Our guest, Keri Hartwight, has a wealth of experience – from being a paediatric nurse, school nurse and a Human Givens therapist - to supporting charities and creating projects to help improve the health and well-being of both families and communities. Her work is truly inspirational.
If you have been affected by any of the issues in this podcast and would like to work with a Human Givens therapist the register can be found at
If you feel like you are in an emergency situation, please contact 999 or visit your local A&E Department.
Listed below are some trusted organisations, charities or helplines that may also be able to assist you or a loved one:
OCD Action
Useful Resources >
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About Keri Hartwright:
HG Therapist profile:
Brain Tools project:
The Big Red Bus Club:
Ukrainian Support Greewich:
Explore the Human Givens Approach >
HG Approach
Human Givens Diploma
Explore our evidenced-based mental health training
Further Resources >
Meeting your 9 emotional needs - human givens
FREE human givens ebook
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Wishing you good health and happiness, from the Human Givens Institute
#TheGoodMentalHealthPodcast #MentalHealthAwareness #HumanNeeds
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