Dr Owen Davis
Just Holistic Therapy Rooms145b Brighton RoadUnited KingdomSouth CroydonSurreyCR2 6EFI have enhanced DBS clearance. I am prepared to travel to see clients in special circumstances.
Michael Thorne
United KingdomCarwayCarmarthenshireHello, I’m Mike. Since 1990, I have worked as a music teacher and freelance musician.
Jennifer Stewart-Jones
3, Bel Royal VillasVictoria AvenueUnited KingdomSt LawrenceJerseyJE3 1LUI love working with people, especially one to one.
I have worked with teenagers and adults for over 35 years.
My hobbies include cycling and swimming.
Alison Harper
United KingdomReadingRG1United KingdomCavershamRG4United KingdomWallingfordOX10I enjoy helping people move as quickly as possible from difficult times towards a sense of wellbeing in life. The solution-focused approach of Human Givens Therapy serves this brilliantly.
Tom Lawrence
Healthy Life Centre8 Atholl PlaceUnited KingdomEdinburghScotlandEH3 8HPI help people change their lives as swiftly and simply as possible. Having run a successful private practice for over 20 years, I have had the privilege of helping clients overcome all manner of difficulties, to create strong foundations for a more enjoyable and fulfilling life.
Rich Emerson
Bay Tree HouseUnited KingdomSaint HilaryCornwallTR20 9EF100 Dibles RoadUnited KingdomWarsashHampshireSO31 9JLA broad range of experiences, both personal and professional, have enabled me to support numerous individuals in their recovery, from many forms of emotional distress.
Felicity Jaffrey
El MaadiEgyptCairoUnited KingdomLiverpoolEnglandL17Originally from the UK, Felicity Jaffrey has had 20 years experience of cross cultural living. She has a career background working in journalism, aid and development and school leadership.
William Barker
United KingdomReadingBerkshireRG1 1EDI have lived in several countries where I have racked up 1000s of hours teaching and coaching in a variety of subjects.
Sarah Day
Thorpe St AndrewUnited KingdomNorwichEnglandNR1 4LEI see clients at my home in Norwich - there is parking available as well as a good local bus service.
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Date posted: 14/02/2024