Angela Collinge
United KingdomSouth MoltonDevonUnited KingdomBarbrookDevonAngie has 14 years experience of working with people with a variety of problems ranging from mild anxiety and low self esteem through to depression, health issues, post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, weight issues and other varied issues.
Darren Stiff
Milton House Business SuiteMilton Road SouthUnited KingdomStowmarketSuffolkIP14 1EZFrom my offices in the heart of Suffolk, I am able to help with all forms of emotional distress.
Sue Goodwin MBE
United KingdomBN22 0SQUnited KingdomEastbourneEnglandSue Goodwin MBE has a practice near Eastbourne and also offers sessions via Zoom which her clients find just as effective.
Rev C. Mary Austin
United KingdomTibbertonWorcestershireWR9I find the Human Givens approach to be helpful to a wide variety of people in different situations and most find help within a very few sessions.
Alison Palmer
9 Pondfield RoadRudgwickUnited KingdomHorshamWest SussexRH12 3ENAlison qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2001 and since this time she has worked in a variety of health fields.
Ben Keenan
AmpthillUnited KingdomBedfordEnglandAfter having had 27 years of experience offering emotional support in various areas of voluntary work, I decided to stop and retrain in the Human Givens approach.
Alessia Biciocchi
Kentish TownUnited KingdomLondonEnglandNW5Alessia offers safe and confidential sessions in a caring and calming environment. Her private practice is 7 minutes walk from Kentish Town Tube station.
Malcolm Hanson
Rosneath PeninsulaUnited KingdomArgyllG84 0JDEnhanced DBS certification.
Previous experience: nine years full time experience as a psychotherapist in NHS primary care.
Tom Lawrence
Healthy Life Centre8 Atholl PlaceUnited KingdomEdinburghScotlandEH3 8HPI help people change their lives as swiftly and simply as possible. Having run a successful private practice for over 20 years, I have had the privilege of helping clients overcome all manner of difficulties, to create strong foundations for a more enjoyable and fulfilling life.
Jose Steer
3/1 61 Kersland StreetUnited KingdomGlasgowScotlandG12 8BSRaphaelstraat 10 Huis1077 PR AmsterdamNetherlandsI am a dedicated, open and energetic professional. I provide a safe environment, that allows my clients the space to work in a focused manner and challenged to meet their goals.
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HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.
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The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024