Monique Nauta-Musters
Beetslaan 323723 bx Bilthaven3723 DXNetherlands- HG Netherlands is working on a referrals system
- Private practice
- Experienced lawyer and mediator (1990 & 2002)
Dr Nick Baylis
6 Pearce CloseNewnhamUnited KingdomCambridgeCambridgeshireCB3 9LYHave lived and worked in central Cambridge, for 25 years.
Joanna Baker
United KingdomBurton upon TrentDE15 0RT** Currently not taking on new clients ** - If you are affected by anxiety, depression, trauma, sleep or eating difficulties, self-harm, grief, anger or addiction then I can help. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, perhaps experiencing challenges at work or within relationships, I can help. If you are struggling with concentration or academic or performance anxiety, I can help.
Lucas Oliver
United KingdomCambridgeEnglandIf you would benefit from help with step-by-step solutions and/ or require release from the trap of 'over-thinking', I would love to help.
My counselling training and experience has ingrained my commitment to empower you to both draw and build upon your inner resources - which may prove to be greater than you thought - to get a life that works without investing in long-term and costly therapy.
Dawn Patricia Walters
United KingdomNottinghamEnglandI am a fully qualified Human Givens psychotherapist.
I am in private practice from my home in Nottingham.
Pauline West
United KingdomEmpinghamEnglandLE158BXMy goal is to help clients make positive changes to their lives.
Alex Kennedy
The VillageDunsdale RaodUnited KingdomSelkirkScotlandTD7 5DZAlex is a qualified and highly experienced psychotherapist who has helped many hundreds of individuals move forward from periods of difficulty in their life.
Fiona Jamieson
United KingdomSydenhamLondonI aim to help people believe in themselves and feel better after every single session. To do that, I offer practical help that quickly and effectively deals with mental and emotional difficulties.
Ingrid Steele
United KingdomYorkEnglandI run face-to-face sessions in Yorkshire including in Leeds, York, Hull and Bridlington. I run online sessions wherever you are in the world.
I have a deep understanding about mental health and wellbeing, and experience of working with people in tnany different situations in their lives. Clients feed back that I am calm, warm and approachable - that they feel accepted and comfortable being themselves. The approach aims to help people to overcome problems that might at first feel overwhelming, breaking down complex issues into practical, manageable steps. My goal is to build hope, motivation and a clear focus to achieve the positive changes that matter to you.
Simon Bostock
United KingdomLoughtonEnglandSpecializing in good sleep, insomnia busting, stress management & anxiety, I am a Human Givens Therapist and Counsellor.
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Date posted: 14/02/2024